The c/s went well and I even was allowed to watch in a mirror while Richard got some pictures. Nothing graphic as we were just seeing him born, not my insides! :) :) It was amazing to actually see him AS he was born!
I was sewed up while Brookston was checked out. After all was done, I was wheeled out on my bed, holding our new baby boy in my arms. We had about 3 minutes to say hi to the family and friends that were there. Then I was off to recovery and he was off to the nursery.
Unfortunately both Brookston and I were running a slight fever, so he had to be in the nursery for 4 hours as them monitored him. All was fine after his 4 hours stay and he joined us in my room at 9:30pm.
I am loving being a mommy and he is just the most beautiful baby ever! Of course I would think that! He is an absolute joy and I melt every time I look at him or talk about him. Richard is a wonderful daddy, as I knew he would be. He's always been amazing with babies and kids!

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