Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Belly Pictures

Belly Comparisons with #1, #2, and #3

11.5 weeks

14.5 weeks

17/18 weeks

19.5 weeks

22.5 weeks

25.5 weeks

28/29 weeks

31.5 weeks

34.5 weeks

37.5 weeks

39 weeks


Kim said...

I am thinking #3 is a girl.

Catie said...

Geez Shelley how'd you get so skinny before getting preggo with #3? I'm jealous! Lol.

I think the kids are in store for a little brother this round. :)

The Captain's Wife said...

looks like a girly belly to me :)

Cindy said...

Oh geez...I'm horrible at guessing! Hannah says that it's a girl...so I guess I'll go with her vote! Girl! : )

Julie said...

Looking good! I'm sure its a girl! :)

Sara said...

I think girl. Your belly looks like it did with Kaisley!

Ivy said...

I'm thinking girl! And I am so impressed with the records and pictures you have. You are going to be so happy to have that! I love seeing the comparisons. So fun! I can't wait to hear!