We had our family and a few friends join us at The Little Gym to celebrate Kaisley's 2nd birthday party! She loves that place and had a blast!

The party started at noon (not my top choice, but that's what I get for waiting so late to schedule the party), so we immediately had a little pizza!

The cake was ready! Abby Caddaby was my biggest challenge yet! After doing a number of these type cakes, it wasn't that it was hard, but it took a LONG time! Four hours actually! And when starting at 11pm the night before, I was exhausted when I was done. Luckily I had Aunt Kristi in from Alaska to help me with cleaning tips, knifes, and so on, until 1am. And sweet Richard who ran to walmart at midnight, then stayed up til 3am when he took over for Kristi! Thank goodness they helped! This cake switched tips a ridiculous number of times, which ends up taking up so much of the time! So worth it though...especially when you see one of the pictures below!

I went easy on the cupcakes...Elmo toppers. But I didn't want Kaisley to be disappointed without Elmo (since she couldn't decide between Elmo and Abby for her cake)!

I was trying to get a picture of the birthday girl and her ADORABLE Abby shirt. My friend Kim is amazing at making these aplique shirts! Is it not the cutest???

Daddy, Kaisley and cousin Lucas playing inside. Lucas was visiting with his mommy & daddy from Alaska! We were so glad they could be with Kaisley to celebrate!

Kaisley and daddy having fun

Kaisley enjoying the parachute (as long as you don't ask her to get ON it!)

Aunt Niki and Sutton (not sure what that face is all about...lol!)

Trying again to get the shirt!!!
Thanks to my friend Katherine for coming to the rescue...my camera battery was dying maybe halfway through the party! :( So she snapped some amazing picture and sent them my way! Love her shots! Especially the ones of Kaisley and her birthday cake (below)!

Kaisley and Lucas

Big Brother Brookston enjoying the party!

Everyone singing to Kaisley

Blowing out her candles

Daddy showing Kaisley her Abby cake

Then she turns to me and says, "thank you for my Abby cake mommy" and gives me a kiss!
OH MY GOODNESS! Talk about melting a mama's heart!

Kaisley's excited face at present time!

She had a GREAT party followed by a great birthday!
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