We shall see...ready, go!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Testing, testing
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sutton's 4 month update
Monday, March 28, 2011
I love books like this...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Rollin, Rollin, Rollin
Here is Sutton being a big boy going for a walk! It was his first time in JUST the stroller, not in his infant seat, in his stroller!
Monday, March 21, 2011
He Rolled! And School Conference
This morning was also Brookston's parent/teacher conference at school. In January his lead teacher left for a new school and the assistant took over as lead teacher. (As well as getting a new assistant.) I was okay with this change because I knew the previous assistant/new lead was great, but today I really got to see how GREAT this change was. I learned all sorts of new things they've been doing. There's more routine, there's more learning, and there's more communication! At this school we have to go inside for drop off and pick up, so I do get to exchange a line or two about his day most of the time. But today we got to talk for 30 minutes about just HIM! So, I got to learn about his typical days, the stuff he's learning, his strengths and weaknesses, his "school" personality, how he plays with others, how he communicates with his teachers, and so on. His teacher really took the time to talk to me and tell me everything. I'm SO happy with his teacher and I know he loves her too!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
St. Paddy's Day Parade
Sutton has been enjoying his baby toys lately
Kaisley checking out a St. Paddy's Day football
That afternoon Brookston decided we needed to make our own parade. So, we did just that on the sidewalk outside. It was adorable. One person was the "leader", one on the tamborine, and one on the drums, and everyone switched it up! Too fun!
Here's a little of the action. Check out how seriously Brookston takes his position as leader in this clip...totally awesome! :)
And well, this is just my two big kids in their matching PJ's! I rarely match them, so since I did, I had to take their picture!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
He's so close!!!!
I need to pull out the exersaucer and some other fun stuff for Sutton...I guess I didn't realize he was getting so big! Sigh!
Friday, March 11, 2011
My baby is getting big!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I don't understand!
Back when he was younger (like 3-7 weeks old), I thought it was a dairy issue. But I cut out all dairy for 3 weeks and saw no change. Then, ironically, I added dairy back in and he had a few really good weeks (like 7-10 weeks old). Probably once or twice a week now, we have a REALLY BAD NIGHT! Last night for example, he was up around 2:15 and it wasn't until 4:30 that he finally settled and slept again. He went from screaming, to moaning, to almost asleep and waking up screaming again. And the ENTIRE time I was either nursing him, holding him upright, holding him in a cradle position, patting his bum in his bed, nursing him again, swaying and pacing while patting his bum, walking, rocking, swinging, shushing, nursing again (of which after a couple time he wanted nothing to do with me), rubbing his back, playing with his hair, we had a sound machine on, I tried his "tv" (a sound, light, motion crib toy which this half way worked, but only made him nice and awake). I think after 2 1/2 hours, he was finally exhausted enough that he passed back out.
I hate not being able to help my baby. I hate that he finally fell back to sleep from pure exhaustion, rather than me being able to comfort him. Most nights, he will eat and go back to sleep. But nights like this, suck. And they happen tooooo often. He was miserable, I was miserable. It makes me feel like a pretty crummy mom! :(
Friday, March 4, 2011
Kiddie Mardi Gras = cute chaos
Kaisley and Brookston ready for the party & parade
Brookston and Kaisley ready to go
Riding past kids ready to catch beads!
Throw me something Brookston & Kaisley!