"Aunt Cama" (as Brookston has nicknamed her) came to visit us for a week. We took an excursion on a "wagon train" (again, Brookston's wording) to visit and feed some animals, enjoyed a BEAUTIFUL day in New Orleans, and just did our normal weekly playdates, like swimming. Here are some pictures from the last week or so.

Aunt Cama made Kaisley a bunny out of Great Grandma's wedding dress - Wow! (She also made Brookston a bear when he was young, out of Great Grandma's fur coat)

Brookston wanted his turn in the exersaucer...have at it buddy!!!!

Enjoying wildlife

The "Wagon Train"

Daddy feeding the camel

Brookston feeding the animals

Aunt Cama feeding the "cup stealer", as they called them...the cup stealer did not get Aunt Cama's cup, but did get my cup!! Good thing they give extras!

Zeberas...no touching them though!

We spent lots of time with these guys....so beautiful and would eat right out of your hand!!


Daddy and Kaisley in New Orleans

Brookston swimming with friends (thanks for the picture Katherine!)

Kaisley is 5 MONTHS OLD!!!! Wow, where has time gone?!?!