(Party pictures to come!!!!)
I can't beleive it's been a year. (Isn't every parent saying that at each birthday?) Time really does fly! I've found myself over the last week thinking back to what I was doing exactly a year ago. I remember it all so well. Since it was mardi gras season, I remember each parade, conversations about my anticipation, paths we walked to and from parades, all the way down to where I was at what time when contractions started, my water broke, and of course, 11:46pm, my baby girl entered the world! We're so glad you're here sweet Kaisley!
Aww, Happy Birthday Kaisley! Those pictures are really great! Miss you on FB, Michelle!
Happy birthday sweet Kaisley! I can't believe it has been a year!
Love the pics!
Happy Birthday sweet girl! So hard to believe that our babies are toddlers...the Birthday party pics are great too.
Wow, she is gorgeous and such a big girl! So crazy to think its been a year!
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