The table of goodies
(cake, cupcakes, and chocolate covered marshmallows)

The cake!!!


Waiting for the kids...

Daddy and the birthday girl on the balance beam

Kaisley on the parachute

Playing with the hula hoops and balls

Singing happy birthday...she loved the candle

Eating her cupcake...she was very gentle

Opening presents

Eager to see inside the bag!

We decided to let her at the rest of the cake when we got home since the cupcake was waaaaay to clean/tidy for a 1st birthday!

She enjoyed playing more than eating!

Messy, messy baby!!
More what I expected with a 1 year old and her cake!
(Don't miss the 2 other new posts below related to Kaisley's 1st Birthday!!!)
happy birthday Kaisley! your mommy make you a beautiful cake.
I still can't believe that she is already one! It looks like she had a great time!
And good job on the decorations! We did a ladybug party for Hannah's 2nd birthday...I wish I had thought to do pink and green instead of red and black for it! : )
Wow, I am in awe! You did a great job!
Thanks ladies!!!
And Kim, got your other message! So glad!!!
Love all the "goodies". You really know how to throw a party! I so wish we lived closer to you!!! Awesome job Mama! And Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl!
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