Friday, February 26, 2010

Mardi Gras - catch up

February was a busy month for us, so I never got around to posting about our last Mardi Gras parade. This was "Spanish Town" parade...I believe the biggest in Baton Rouge. It's held the Saturday before Mardi Gras and was the parade that put me into labor with Kaisley the year before. But this year it was on February 13th.

Brookston and his buddy, Grady, waiting for the parade the start

They took Kaisley for a ride

This is a video of the boys dancing as a float passes by, oh my goodness, you have to see Brookston at the end (about 13 seconds into the video):

And this video just cracks me the parade each year, this group does something hilarious with lawn mowers....(9 second video):


Heather said...

Boy's got some moves - love it!

Kim said...

LMAO that video is too cute!

Heather said...

OMG - I just watched it again and realized they are dancing to Lady Lumps. Too funny! You should sign him up for dance class if your hubby will let you!

Michelle said...

Hahaha, yeah, Heather, the songs at this parade are always a little UN-kid friendly! I'm sure soon we will have to skip this one!

Unknown said...

Oh no you missed the lawn mower pushers dancing to single ladies! That was sooo funny

Michelle said...

K, I know!!! I only got the very end of the lawn mower crew...bummer!

Liz said...

I looove the little guy high-five! Such good buddies =)