We spent a wonderful 4 day weekend up at Lake Bruin this last weekend. It was GORGEOUS! The first day was before a cool front came in, so the kids got to do a little swimming. Then, as the cool front came in, it was just so nice to be outside. We loved our long weekend and are so grateful that "Yaya" and "Papa" (some friend's parents) invited us to visit!

Brookston really enjoyed the jet ski, for the first time ever!
I was quite impressed that he ASKED to go on. Because when Richard first cranked it up, he didn't even want to go down to the dock to watch him ride! But shortly after that he said he wanted to ride too and then that's all he talked about!

Kaisley really enjoyed fishing. I mean REALLY enjoyed it! I'm pretty sure if she saw a fishing pole, she needed to have one in her hand!

And she caught her first fish! This picture was actually her first time, which was why she was on Daddy's lap still. But that quickly changed as she realized it was a blast!

Here the kids were just splashing their feet in the water. But Brookston actually asked to go swimming on the second day. Which was again quite shocking since he told us on the way there he didn't want to swim in the "black water" since he couldn't see! (I guess he was actually remembering from last time!) He was actually quite fearful when he was telling us passionately that he did NOT want to swim. But, eventually he asked to swim and had fun. I just didn't have my camera outside since I really didn't think he'd do anything but sit...like he is here!

Brookston and Molly checking out the water

Daddy and the kiddos

Our family

Daddy with the kids out on the paddle boat. It started with just Brookston, but Kaisley quickly realized that they were having a good time out there and she had to join them!
Love the pics!! Especially the family one - you're such a cute preggo, girl! :)
awwww, looks like so much fun!! you all are such a cute fam!
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