After almost 3 weeks of not posting...if you're stopping by you've got a lot to read! :) This is the first of 4 posts, titled, "Playing catch up"! I'm not sure why I haven't posted all of this on time?!?! Maybe the 3 kids thing is catching up to me or maybe we're just having too much summer fun!
Anyway, this last Sunday was Hawaiian themed at church...we went a little over board! :)
And here's Brookston on his first day of PRESCHOOL!
This is big time now. The real deal! PRESCHOOL!
He started Monday and has always done great with change. He already started at his new school in June. But this transition was into the 4 year old/preschool class. So, new room, new teachers. He said he LOVED his new teachers (he really must like them because this was unpromted) and had fun in his new room.
Kaisley starts at Mother's Day Out in September. She knows the month September has a lot in store for her. If you ask her when she starts music class or school, she says "in September!" Between music, little gym, bible study and school, this girl is gonna be BUSY!!
I was looking at the pix on this post and literally, out loud, said "OH MY GOSH" when I saw Brookston's picture - he it totally grown up - what happened???? Are you doing ok with this Mama? Any tears? :)
I know...he's really just gone from toddler to preschooler, no doubt anymore!
I'm pretty good. I was mostly excited, because he was so excited. He's really so happy at school. Loves his teachers, his friends. So that makes it easier.
A little piece of me, which I think I've avoided thinking about too much, is sad. This is just the beginning of the rest of his EVERY SINGLE DAY! (well, excluding holidays, summer, and weekends, but you know what i mean!)
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