Good news: We went to visit Santa today.
Bad news: The printer wasn't working when we got there and by the time it was our turn, the camera wasn't working either.
Good news: They said normally they do not allow cameras or phones, as you have to buy their pictures, if you want a picture. But since their camera wasn't working, they allowed us to take our own pictures. (at least we had our phones)
Bad news: Kaisley was very timid (even though she was so excited for days) and Sutton totally freaked out!!
Good news: While they were trying to figure out the camera/printer, Santa came over and talked to the kids.
Bad news: Even though we were only about 6th in line, we were there for a good 20 minutes.
Good news: It all ended just fine!
Here was round one last year. Followed by a sibling picture to introduce Sutton.
And this year was in parts...
Oh my gosh - your pictures made me laugh so hard - the cliche Christmas with Santa pix!!! Sorry you didn't get the "perfect" pix, but you got a perfectly memorable one!!!! Love it!!!
I love it!!! And, honestly, my favorite Santa pictures are the ones with freaked out kids haha (Is that wrong. Cher your babies! I love them all!
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