Wednesday, July 27, 2011
8 months fun fact
So to my fun fact...Sutton at 8 months is 18 pounds, 11 ounces. The EXACT weight of Brookston, when???
This is where you think to yourself...7 months? 6? 5? 4?
It's crazy to think that my 8 month old is the same weight as Brooskton at....
4 months old! :) So, if you have a child weighing 18 pounds 11 ounces at 8 months, he would be in the 50th percentile, but at 4 months, that puts him in the 97th! I just thought it was funny!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
A little mix
There were TONS of water balloons! The kids had a blast! And the hostess said that she, her husband and the grandfather spent 3 hours filling these water balloons, only for the kids to blow through them in about 5 minutes!
Brookston and his buddies from school
Last night the kids and I went to dinner at a kid's night that had Bubbles the clown. She did face painting and balloons!
So, Brookston became Spiderman....he loved it!
Kaisley was very very hesitant, but curious. So, Bubbles had her sit on my lap, then she did one step at a time on my arm, followed by doing it on Kaisley's arm (she has obviously done this before!) In the end, Kaisley was soooo excited about her flowers!
Kaisley thought this was HILARIOUS! I swaddled her up, but as the kids say, it's a cocoon! She was so excited to be in her cocoon, she laid there giggling for quite a while.
Friday, July 22, 2011
VBS at School
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
That's a full tub!
Friday, July 8, 2011
go baby go!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
A toof, a toof!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Tubing on the lake
Kaisley wanted to go FIRST...go girl! And of course we were going super slow, so she wanted to touch the water!
After waving to us on the boat, she was waving to other boaters!
Brookston took his turn and after a few minutes, signaled that he wanted to go FASTER!
Love his expression! (just moments after going faster)
A couple videos...
And here's Richard...sorry I didn't follow him the very best...I was holding Kaisley between my legs, holding a sleeping Sutton and taking the video in the air without looking at all. Once I watched it, I was actually quite pleased!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Water fun
We had a number of floats to chose from as well!
I was so proud of how brave the kids were in the lake. Last year Brookston mentioned that he did not want to go in the "black water" because he couldn't see the bottom. This year he was all about it.
We went for a couple boat rides, before tubing. Just to get used to things!
Brookston even fell asleep at one point! When we had our boat he OFTEN did it was quite cute!
Mommy & the big kiddos took the paddle boat down to the "store" and got icee's and ice cream!
Welcome to:
Welcome to the Hall Family blog. Check back often as I try to update at least once a week. This blog is mostly about my kids and our life as a family!
And just a note, these pictures are for your viewing pleasure, if you want to use it for anything, please ask me first!
Links to the details:
Family Time Line:
2/21/09 - Second baby was born
5/3/07 - First baby was born
2/25/06 - We got married
6/26/05 - Proposal
10/3/02 - We met